I can't wait to see who takes Iowa tonight on both sides. There are some very interesting candidates out there. (and some very scary ones too)
My top picks Democrats-John Edwards Republicans- Mitt Romney Now whether my 2 favorites get it remains to be seen..........
1 comment:
I think I would like Huckabee if I didn't feel like the corrupt religious right machine that swept Bush into power is going to work its little magic with him. I'm more and more disgruntled with the election system we have here in the US.
For one thing, the US does not and should not have a dynastic government. Why do we keep electing people with the same last name?
Not that I'd have it Pakistan's way. . .or Kenya's way. . .or even UK's way. I just think our system has MUCH to be improved upon.
Also, I didn't know you were such a fan of politics, but it doesn't surprise me in the least, being that you are so informed, intelligent, and compassionate.
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