Hi, my name is Julia and I eat EVERYTHING. I may only have 4 teeth but I am very gifted at eating everything in site. Can you guess what I am eating in the above picture? My big brother sometimes complains that he doesn't want to eat certain things, but I just shovel everything in. My momma got an Indian cookbook for Christmas and I've devoured everything she has made from it. Maybe I should move to India. My only issue is when other people (like my momma) try and feed me with a spoon or fork. Utensils are so overrated. I can do it myself with my own 2 hands. I also like to eat garbage. The trash can is full of all kinds of inviting things to eat, old food, soggy papers, tinfoil, and used kleenex. What could be more tasty than that. Oh, and here's a little secret if you are hungry. Try the kitchen floor. It's full of all kinds of treats from long ago meals. I frequently "mop" the floor for my momma and I don't understand why she tries to pull my floor treasures out of my mouth. I'm only trying to help. :) Come over sometime to see me in action, but remember, don't try to feed me.

The answer as to what I am eating in the first picture is chocolate pudding. In the bottom picture I am eating a combo of lentils and pineapple.
Amy- she's just trying to help you out by picking up treasures off the floor. Doesn't everyone love a prize??
How satisfying it must be to have a non-picky eater. Go, Julia!
AMy these are great pictures!!! I loved getting caught up on your blog. It's been soooo long. I 'm very impressed with the car seat you recovered!!!
Moms LOVE good eaters! Thank goodness for the "Julia" children in the world. Hilarious chocolate face!
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