The wedding was really nice. The Manti temple is very beautiful, but did it really need to be 8 degrees when we were taking the pictures? Once again I wonder how I EVER managed to deal with winters in Michigan for 5 years. I really can't imagine not being able to take my kids outside every day of the year. (except for the 5-6 days when it rains) I would go absolutely nuts.

A big thank you to Alyssa and Jason for letting us stay with you guys. And a shout out to almost 2 year old Britain who needs to teach my children that it's cool to "hang out" in their highchairs at a restaurant for the better part of an hour. I was completely amazed by his calm and happy demeanor.

Of course the best part was coming home to our beautiful children. I almost cried because I was so happy to see them. Thanks Jean and family for taking such great care of them.
Oh, and isn't the wedding cake lovely. I thought it was so pretty.

What a great trip for you two! The snow scenes look so picturesque. Makes me want to ski. Love the cake!
Nice ski outfit!!! Glad you guys had fun.
I'm so glad you had a good time! It's nice to get away, and I always love coming home to my kids too. That IS a cool cake. Times have sure changed.
That is a cool cake!
Ok, can I just say how happy I am it doesn't get that cold here?! That first picture . . . brrrrr! You guys look cute all ready to go out and play in the snow. And I'm jealous you got a few days sans children. Ahhhh . . .
Congrats on not eating it on the slopes.
I'm glad to hear you had a good time! Looks way to cold for me though. I don't know how people live in the snow!
Oh, I miss you so much already!
omg i love the kid in the sunglasses! he looks like a mini gangster! so cute!
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