This is a day late and a dollar short but such is my life. I don't always make it to post when the topic is hot. Nonetheless........
I really wish I could have been at Columbia University on Monday to hear the crazy man (Iran's President Ahmadinejad) speak. What was the best part?...hmmmmm...he said so many ridiculous, incredulous things I just don't know which one to pick. Was it his insult to University President Lee Bollinger's honest introduction in which he said that in Iran they were polite to visitors? Yeah so polite that they throw them in jail. Or was it when he said that, "In Iran, we don't have homosexuals, like in your country."? The list could go on and on.
I loved how President Bollinger told him that he was either "brazenly provactive or astonishingly uneducated" to deny the Holocaust.
I enjoyed his commentary on homosexuals too. I couldn't help but think, "Well, the real reason you don't have any is because you have had them all hanged!" What an idiot.
The whole thing was absurdly disturbing. Who gave him a passport to our country anyway? They should have shut down the airport before letting him off the plane! Don't you love how he requested a visit to Ground Zero too?
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