Nice version-Today Blake's preschool went on a fieldtrip to the fish hatchery. They got to ride a train and when we arrived at the hatchery they were able to buy some pellets to feed the fish. They loved riding the train and feeding the fish.
True Version- Today I took Blake, Julia, Cole and Blake's friend Lucas to the fish hatchery. Cole was not going to join us originally because I was appalled at paying an extra $8 for a one year old toddler to come. Unfortunately my friend who was going to watch him got sick and so I took him too. The teacher told us to be there promptly at 9am. I arrived at 9am (amazing because I never arrive on time) at which point we waited around doing nothing for 1 hour. Remember I have 4 small children with me and we are next to train tracks. We finally board the train at 10am and proceed to wait another 15-20 minutes. Finally the train ride started and the kids loved the 10 minute ride to the hatchery. Once at the hatchery the kids had fun feeding the fish while Julia tried to get lost amongst the very crowded facility. When it was time to go Julia decided she would rather throw herself on the ground and scream. Are you with me here? Remember 4 kids are with me and everyone is staring at me. A few people ask, "are they all yours?" Luckily for all of us one of the other moms took over stroller duty with Cole while I picked up the screaming Julia and walked back to the train with the flailing crying child. Good thing I was wearing sunglasses because I was on the verge of tears. We board the train and Julia continues to cry all the way back to the station. The teacher then asks me if I am going to join them for a picnic at the park. ummmmm....NO. And that was the very unfortunate morning I had where I thought at least one hundered times...I'M CRAZY!!!!!!!!
p.s. a big shout out to Blake and Lucas for being such good obedient boys.......because afterall it could have been a lot worse right?

Don't let the smiling Julia deceive you...that was the train ride there.
I absolutely love you for posting the real version....that is my life on a daily basis love it or hate it! And to me it helps put things into perspective:) I hope that you are having a better day today. The pictures of the boys with their funny faces are too cute, and Julia is cute too despite the "TUDE." (which is what we call it at our house!)
i love blake's face in every picture and i hope you keep this post for julia to read when she is older so she can feel bad for being such a brat. :)
I'm sorry! I'll pay you the $8 for Cole's admission fee. I just didn't want to pass along to Cole whatever I've got. Oh wait - maybe he's already had it! :)
Oh Amy - I wish you would have called me! Surely I owe you!
Sorry it was such a stressful trip. Been there done that on many occasions! I feel for ya!
ummm Becky Cole's the one who got you sick in the first place so we should be giving you some compensation. Would you like a brand new barf bowl?
Ahh... sounds like you had a lot of fun!:)
Amy, why didn't you call me?! Madeline asks to play with Julia every other day. We would have loved a day with Julia and Cole. Please put me on your speed dial.
This reminds me of our trip to the Ronald Reagan museum. I felt the like crazy one that day. I'm telling you, you're in the hardest part. It gets better and better. :)
I love that you broke the first rule of blogging and told the real story. :)
Julia and Stratton would make a nice pair.
Wonderful Post!! Nice to know other people have screaming toddlers who fall flat on their face in public places. Our boys have done this so many times that we have deemed it "Pancake" on the floor. So sorry, but anyone who thinks your crazy just has never really had kids so who cares what they think!
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