Yesterday, while at Target I decided that it was time to give potty training Julia a try. We went to the "big girl" underwear isle and picked out some Hello Kitty ones and home we went. She was so excited about the underwear. We put them on this morning, and 2 hours later she had her first accident. 2 hours after that she had another accident and back into her diaper she went. Oh well.
Although I have put her on the toilet several times she has never once used it if you know what I mean.
Better luck next time. For the time being, I'm fine with the diapers. Better to clean up a diaper than a dirty floor.
Can't she just go to the "Blake potty training school" and potty train herself like he did?
I feel your pain!
As frustrating as it was to wait for Alli to be ready, which she decided was a few days after she turned 3, it was nice because she really was READY! She just did it, no accidents, and all is good. Hang in there. Her day will come!
Ha!! I'm so glad that she's not as easy as Blake! That makes me feel like my child was "normal" when potty-training and Blake was just exceptional.
p.s. Don't get mad, but I love that you wrote "big girl underwear isle." Is that in the Pacific? ;)
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