Sometimes I want to do the same with my baby. He is growing so fast. I just want to hold onto these precious moments forever. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this age. So quick to smile, so snuggly, milky breathe, clothes covered in drool, hands that are either in the mouth or grabbing toes at all times, big smiley blue eyes, etc etc. What is there not to love about a 4 month old. Not even his diapers smell that stinky yet. This little man has the best disposition. He is so happy and content. I just can't help but kiss him ALL THE TIME.

So cute! I agree! I already miss that 4 month stage, and Kyla is only 9 months! So sad how fast they grow.
I'm sad I wasn't able to watch him this weekend.
Sniff. I miss those baby days. Miss the sweet feeling of a tiny body snuggled against mine. Now they all just run away. :(
So glad you're soaking him up. He is beyond cute.
He is adorable! I love that last pic of him laughing.
He really is a sweetie! I never hear him fuss. He's really a doll! I am sad at how quickly they grow up....sigh.
sorry about the car. i hate putting any amount of $ into car repair!! and i hear you about wanting to "bottle up" your baby. I feel the same way about Jane. She is growing way too fast and is so darling right now. I love these pictures of him!! Too cute!!
You have a talent for making beautiful babies, Mrs. BodyBuilder. Guess what-- we just moved back to CA. Can we plan to get together so I can meet this cute little guy in person?
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