Wow, what a beautiful day. On Thursday my niece Rebecca got married. Doesn't she look absolutely beautiful. They are going to have cute kids, that's for sure!!!! I remember the day this little baby was born and now she is a married woman.

They got married in the San Diego temple.

Julia was a little flower girl. Rebecca's theme at the reception was "a few of my favorite things" from Sound of Music. They had tons of pictures on display of Rebecca and Gerrit doing fun things, and they even had a dessert bar complete with their favorite treats. As you can see, Julia was a "girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes".

Rebecca's little 11 year old brother Jonathon has to be the funniest kid I know. Seriously.

Oh the agony of trying to get a good family picture.

Look, she smiles:)

Isn't that cake beautiful. Julia is posing with her cousin Lauren who got married last year. My sister is very happy that she only has 2 daughters:)

Party is over!!!
I teared up watching Rebecca dance with her dad, because as she was dancing with him, Mike was holding Julia and swaying to the music. I can't imagine that someday our precious little girl will grow up and have a family of her own. Sometimes I think that Julia will always be 2 and then I remember that it was just yesterday that I was pushing Rebecca on a swing.
thanks for making me cry!
Wow, I can't believe that BOTH of Carol's daughters are married now. Rebecca looks so pretty! Is it just me or do she and her husband look like they could be siblings? They must be a good match! ;) I love the picture of Julia passed out-- I'll bet that it was a long day.
. . . oh, and out of curiosity, what were the favorite treats?
I need to call you and get the details. Everything looked beautiful. Wish we could have come.
Lys-brownie sundaes and warm apple struddel.
I loved this post, Amy. You made me cry. It's so true. Time keeps flying by and our babies will be married before we know it. Waaaah!
Beautiful couple. Seriously.
I got your blog off the ward blog. I loved Julias dress. Sooo cute. Thnks for watching Gav for me. IT has been a long week and it is only Tuesday. It all started with Sundays melt down.
What a beautiful couple they make! Julia looks adorable, too! Enjoy and treasure the years--they do go by so fast! The daddy-daughter dance is truly one of the most emotional events (especially for parents of the bride) during the wedding day! The song selection makes it even harder to get through (listen to "I Loved Her First" by Heartland sometime--it's a tear jerker!)
Wow!! Emotional! I remember Rebecca and Lauren when they were babies and we would play with them. They have grown up to be such beautiful women! Well written thoughts!! LU
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