Last weekend, Mike surprised me on our anniversary with a getaway to Cambria. He arranged to have the two bigger kids go to my sister's house and then took Cole (can't be away from him for longer than 3 hours) and I to Cambria. Cambria is a tiny town on the central coast. GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS!!!!

We went on a beautiful little hike.

We tried lots of delicious treats at the farmer's market.

My favorite adventure of the weekend was visiting this fascinating house called NitWit Ridge. Some crazy guy built it entirely of things that he salvaged from working as a trash man, and from items (driftwood, shells etc etc) that he found along the beach. Those of you who know me well can understand my level of awe and wonder at the thing.
How about a his and hers bathroom?

Thanks Mike for such a wonderful weekend and 6 wonderful years.
I love that area - where did you stay? Maybe I can convince Chad that our next getaway should be there instead of camping...
We love Cambria. We went there on our honeymoon. Beautiful place. What a nice anniversary surprise!
I have never heard of NitWit ridge. i am so interested... Sounds like a great weekend.
Awww, Mike, so cute. I think I would be fascinated by that house too.
Oh Laura, where we stayed is a story in and of itself. I'll tell you all about it next time I see you. Don't worry, you CAN camp pretty close to Cambria-we've done that twice before. :)
Happy Anniversary you guys! I'm going to call soon and talk camping trip. Hope you are doing well.
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