We celebrated Mike's birthday at the Happiest Place on Earth-Disneyland. Although maybe Blake would call it the most terrifying place on earth. He was crying all during the Jungle Cruise ride because he was scared of the fake animals, and going on Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain nearly sent him over the edge. It was a fun day and a good way to spend Mike's special day(especially since he got in FREE)

I had to post a rare picture of Julia actually SMILING!!! In most pictures (as in the one below) she is stone faced, hence one of her nicknames.

P.S. I kept on searching for one of the Disney princesses so I could get my picture taken with her, but no luck. :) ha ha
Fun Amy! What did he have to do to get in free? Just bring his ID? We are going there next week for my bday and I'm not prepared. :) And bummer about not finding a princess! That must have ruined your whole day! ;)
Fun for the whole family! Happy birthday, Mike. I've never really noticed that Julia doesn't smile, but yeah, I guess she doesn't. :( She just wants you to appreciate the times she does. Where's the obligatory picture of baby Cole on his first trip to Disneyland?
So sad you missed the Princesses. Maybe you'll have to make a special trip to D-land just to find them:)or see the special Princess dancing show. Now that would fun!! :)
Yeah for Dland ! We will have to have Blake come with us sometime and maybe Brooklyn can help shake his fears.:0) Peer pressure from the opposite sex should do it. Glad you had a great time and I am jealous you got to see fireworks. Hopefully we will see them on Tues. when we go.:0)
Where's Cole during all of this? I'm so impressed that you braved D-land with two small children and one newborn.
remember the last time i was over julia wouldn't stop smiling?! it was fantastic.
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