Monday, December 3, 2007

I just can't do it

A few months ago I inherited a whole bunch of baby food from a friend. There were several "meat" dinners in the lot. I really hate wasting things because I am the most frugal person in the world, but I just can't bring myself to feed Julia any of these processed meat concoctions. I know I know, I have "meat" issues!! Something about it is just so repulsive to me. So, if anyone wants them, I've got several jars.
And while we are on the subject of feeding, Julia is beginning to demand our food. How does a 10 month old know that pureed squash and prunes are inferior to the food on MY plate. She'll throw her hands into the air and shake them wildly while shutting her mouth to her baby food. The minute I give her something from my plate, she puts down the arms and opens up the hatchet.
Oh, and I finally bought a small food processor, and I couldn't be happier. I pretty much just grind up whatever we are eating and then feed it to my plate of course. And yes it is repulsive to me to grind up meat, but at least I know what that meat is as opposed to what Gerber's is.


pepper said...

Dash wanted 'real' food pretty quickly too. I resisted at first, but then after a couple meals out at friends or restaurants and I realized how much easier life would be without baby food.

rebecca said...

Amy - it's funny that food (or food-like products) is the subject of so many of your posts. You really do live to eat! :) I say if it's in a jar, it should not be meat.

Suzie Petunia said...

I have several of those jars in my own cupboard because I got a killer deal on them (2 cents per jar!!) but I can't bring myself to feed them to my baby either. Maybe that is why they were on sale...?

Nicole said...

Alli didn't go for jar food for very long. She wanted what the rest of us had and it just became easier. I can't remember the last time I bought baby food. Long before her first birthday though. With the twins, I started grinding whatever we ate because it was much less expensive so they didn't really have the joy of jar meat either. Lucky them! I say if she tells you she's ready, then she's ready!

nikki said...

I'm with you on the whole jar meat thing! I don't have meat issues it's just not right! Nasty!

Kate said...

I never fed my babies jars of meat either. It sounds like Julia is ready for the real thing. I'm so glad you like your food processor, and that it's coming in handy for you!

L said...

It's almost enough to make you want to become a vegetarian!

Since I don't have kids, the only "meat" I ever see in jars is the gefilte fish in the kosher foods section at the grocery store. And if that isn't gross-looking, I don't know what is.