Even grosser than the fact that I almost stepped on this bug as I walked into my front door yesterday is the fact that my friend (who shall remain anonymous) actually scooped it up to take home to show her children, and even grosser than that is the fact that when we were at this friend's house, we could HEAR this very loud and ugly bug making a horrible scratching/clicking noise in its bug habitat cage thing. Moral of the story, Moms deal with scary bugs and gross things to brighten their children's day.
p.s. Doesn't it kind of look like a bee on steroids and without wings?
Alright, fess up, was Rebecca the friend? I know she has a bug habitat...
I can not stand these things. They make my stomach turn...so gross!
Melissa - of course it was me!!! Check out my blog. I'm going to post a picture of OUR "potato bug". It really is, truly, the most DISGUSTING creature I have EVER ever seen. It's so gross.
Gross. I don't think I love my kids as much as Rebecca loves hers. Hahaaa, totally kidding. But really, I don't think I would come within a mile of that thing! Ew!
It's HUGE. nasty
It seriously looks like a toy bug kids use to freak out your friends. Rebecca, I might do the same! Kids get such a kick out of seeing those rare creatures. hee hee
We found one out front a couple years ago and it grossed me out! Jason and Darren got online and searched out pictures and it's name. It was kind of a cool Father/Son thing they did together. I'm not as brave as Rebecca. Don't like bugs!
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