Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Blame it on Alyssa and Jean

I used to hate black licorice or anthing like unto it. At BYU, I met Alyssa who loved eating All-Sorts and other black licorice products such as tea. Well, my curiousity finally got the better of me and I gave in and tried the whole genre of black licorice products. THEY WERE GOOD-REALLY GOOD. Soon thereafter I found myself drawn to previously abhorred items such as black jelly beans and licorice. Recently I was at my sister Jean's home. She presented me with a 5lb bag of Good and Plenty as a prize just because she is so nice. YUMMMMM!!!! Only problem is that now I have 5 lbs of sugary sweets beckoning to me at all hours of the day and night. I really don't do well with the whole willpower thing so I will probably make MIke hide them because i can't stop eating them. Unfortunately I get no help from Mike who after eating one said that it was enough to last him a whole year. Poor Good&Plentys, they are the candy that nobody wants except me. I really wanted to take a picture of my larger than life supply but alas I cannot find my camera. So it you are feeling like a treat stop by.


lys said...

Reading things like this reminds me of why I love you so much. You are hilarious.


p.s. I'd love to share you G&P with you!

Emily said...

I love me some candy, but I will pass on the black licorice. Sorry! Enjoy the 5 lbs. of G and Ps.

Amy said...

YUCK!!! I am not a fan of black licorice. My dad loves it but i never understood why. I'm sorry to see you've turned to the dark side!! Ha!

Emily said...

I love black licorice! R won't touch it with a ten foot pole.. just means more for me:)

pepper said...

I understand the whole will power thing. Michael can have candy around for months, while I eat the whole bag in a week or even a day. You will have to enjoy the G and P's on your own though.