I am terrified beyond belief by the creature that Mike found while working in the backyard on Saturday. I was out running erands at the time but don't worry, he kindly took a picture of it. I am so scared of it but I can't stop looking at his picture. Is it a snake? Is it a lizard? I think his mother was a snake and his father was a lizard thus the creature is a SNAZARD. Let me tell you, if I ever see that Snazard roaming around back there I don't even know what I will do.

Oh yeah, he also lives in the backyard, but I'm not afraid of him.
Are you kidding me? That's for real? Weird.
What in the earth is that?? I have never seen anything like that in my life. This is coming from a former desert dweller too!
Okay, can someone find out what that really is? It is really creepy.
I didn't think our reptilian friend was too creepy. It was just very fascinating. When it moved it slithered like a snake it didn't run like a lizard. My wife has been very obsessed with our new friend even though I never did see it again. Too bad. I really want her to see it in person. :)
That is really weird. How big was it? David found a baby rat's (or some other small rodent's) nest under the grass when he was mowing the lawn last week. He noticed it because the grass was moving in that area. He had to flush it out and get rid of the baby rats. Gross!
Sick! I love the name you gave it - Snazzard.
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