Blake's new favorite word is MINE. And he says it all the time. Hmmmmm, his 2nd birthday is rapidly approaching imagine that. When I am eating something he wants he declares "MINE" and demands that I fork it over. When another child has a toy that he wants he declares "mine" and tries to repo it even if it isn't really his. I know that this is normal 2 year old behavior but I do have to admit that I miss the sweet non mine days. Today he had a friend over at our house and he was running away from her shrieking mine with his arms loaded full of stuff. I had to take the above picture because after declaring that one of Julia's shirts was "mine" and attempting to put it on I decided it would be kind of amusing to whip out some hair bow thingees and see what he did. Of course he said "mine" and voilee a picture was born. After Daddy told him that boys didn't wear bows he wanted nothing to do with them. I'm glad this little boy is "mine" and I love him even if he says that word a thousand times a day, I just need some reassurance that this won't be his favorite word forever.
I was convinced that this picture would never be publicly displayed, but I see now that I should have destroyed the evidence when I had the chance. Sorry, little man, I'm sure this won't be the first time mommy tries to embarass you. But just so all of you know it was only on his head for seconds, literally seconds.
You can use that picture as blackmail in a few years! Sweet! Try giving him a broom or a toilet brush and see if he declares it "mine" and cleans your house for you.
I promise he won't say that word forever. He'll learn lots of creative and interesting things to terrorize you in the future! :)
Jason would have the exact same thing to say as you, Mike. Remember the picture that we took of Britain with one of Julia's hair bows? Jason deleted that one immediately.
I hope he grows out of the "mine" stage soon, but it sounds and looks like you are having fun with it while it lasts!
Amy I am glad that you blog about everything not just some, I think I am going to read your blog more than alyssas
Amy, what kind of mommy are you? Tricking your son into wearing headbows and then capturing it on camera? You're like me! I've done the same with Luke. ha ha Apparently, much to our husband's dismay, we use our children's frustrating "Me stage" to amuse ourselves. Gotta have humor to stay sane!
Just wait till he says "why" 20 times a day.
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