I would like to announce the arrival of our newest family member. Although she was unplanned and not exactly what I wanted I am getting used to her being a part of the family. Parked in our garage is a GOLD 2003 Honda Odessy, our new car. Yes you read it right, I now own a mini-van and a gold one at that. It all started a few weeks ago when Mike's 20 year old truck decided it had had enough. Fixing it cost more than it was worth so we decided to just junk it We hadn't planned on purchasing a minivan for a few more years but seeing that we were left with only a small civic and a new child on the way we took the plunge. I about died when Mike informed me that the one he thought was the best deal in the classified ads happened to be GOLD. Identity crisis. I'm 31, I'm having my second child in a month, and I now drive a GOLD minivan. There really is no turning back. Middle Age Motherhood here I come.
OH Amy - you know you love it!!!
GREAT picture of Blakey in the driver's seat. It's so symbolic . . . at least until he's shoved onto the cup holder tray by his ouch-I-didn't-see-that-coming baby sister.
If it's a choice between a minivan and an unreliable vehicle, I'd take a minivan anyday. Dealing with car issues is the WORST.
baaa haa haaa haaa
You know what keeps running through my mind after reading your post? "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other's gold." My minivan is silver. I know it makes no sense. I have a very business-like relationship with my minivan: it gets me where I want to go and I keep it full of gas and somewhat clean ... ok, it isn't very clean. But our deal is that when our time together is through we can part ways amicably and without tears.
Oh, and I have a theory about cops and minivans: cops NEVER pull over a mommy driving a minivan. Would you? Don't mess with that mama on the go!
Amy- Glad I don't have to look at the picture of the "gold" upside down!! I know you secretly like driving the mini van! I do know the feeling though - suddenly you are becoming a mom of 2 and have a mini van. That is what old people do!! Oh well! Enjoy driving that van!! Ha!
Amy- Glad I don't have to look at the picture of the "gold" upside down!! I know you secretly like driving the mini van! I do know the feeling though - suddenly you are becoming a mom of 2 and have a mini van. That is what old people do!! Oh well! Enjoy driving that van!! Ha!
I believe Sandstone Metallic is the correct color designation.
Emily, thank you for letting me know the true color of my car. I feel better now. And Suzie- would you beleive that our other car is silver so I too have had that song in my head. (I like silver not gold)
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