Tuesday, October 9, 2012
She Eats
Little Miss Elise is 6 months old. I finally broke down and started feeding her rice cereal and bananas. Oh the messiness that is a baby learning how to eat. She loves to eat. The big kids now fight to sit next to her highchair at dinner. And the best part about feeding her solids at lunchtime is that she is now sleeping for 3 hours in the afternoon.
Oh how I love this little one. If only she could stay a baby forever.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Summer is here!!!! It's time for lots of swimming, playing, sleeping in, and snuggling our cute little Bunny.
I love "june gloom" The days start out kind of foggy and then by the afternoon it is nice and sunny and warm, not HOT. I hate the heat. Good thing it doesn't usually get over about 85 degrees in these parts. I love eating dinner outdoors on long summer days. Here, Mike is enjoying raspberry/peach cobbler for dinner, something I do every summer a few times. Who doesn't want
dessert for dinner
Thursday, May 17, 2012
pictures pictures pictures
Elise Jewell Adams
March 30, 2012
10 lbs 1 oz
21 inches
A big thank you to my friend Jen of Big Red Barn Photography for giving me the gift of newborn pictures of Elise. I am absolutely in love with Elise and am so happy to have these pictues. There really is nothing comparable to holding a sweet little baby in my arms and knowing that she is mine.
Monday, April 23, 2012
I feel so very blessed.
A few days ago my first "baby" turned 7.
Tomorrow my third "baby" turns 3.
And my littlest baby is now 3 weeks old.
How did I get so lucky?
I am overcome with gratitude for these 4 little people in my life and for a very wonderful and kind husband and for amazing friends. I can not even express the gratitude I feel for the service that has been rendered to our family these past few weeks. We have had dinners brought in, treats and bread delivered to us, many visits, lots of playdates for the kids, kind phone calls, carpools driven, professional photographs given, and the list could go on and on. My friend Rebecca even surprised me before Elise was born by watching my kids for a whole day so Mike and I could spend time together. I have been able to take naps and snuggle with my sweet little Elise while my children have played happily at friends' homes. What a treat it has been for me to spend so much quality time with my new baby. My good friend Becky even made and decorated the cakes for Blake and Cole's birthdays. (see pictures below-aren't they awesome) I have to say that I have the most wonderful group of friends EVER. So thank you all my friends from the bottom of my heart for making this transition from 3-4 kids so wonderful. I am truly humbled by your service to me and my family. I hope you all know how much I appreciate your thoughtful and kind acts of service.
The end!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Welcome Elise Jewell

Our sweet new baby girl , Elise Jewell, was born on march 30. I had asked my doctor to induce me a week early to try and avoid a big baby, but alas she only consented to inducing me three days before my due date. Thank goodness we didn't wait for Elise to come on her own because she weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs 1oz. At this point in the game I shouldn't be surprised but I thought for sure she would be smaller since she was a girl. I do not build small babies, and I have no idea why because no one else in my family births toddlers.
Anyway, it's strange to be a family of six now. We all are enamored with this sweet little girl. We are also surprised at the amount of hair she has. She has a full head of brown hair. I am so used to bald babies.
I am grateful to my mom who was able to come out and stay with us for over a week. I always cry when she leaves because I wonder how I can possibly do it on my own. Funny to think about life when I just had Blake. I am also grateful for Mike's accounting firm that gave him two weeks of paid paternity leave. The kids have been so excited to have daddy home. And of course I have been so appreciative of his presence. What a wonderful daddy he is.
About her name, Elise is just a name we liked and she is named Jewell after Mike's wonderful Grandmother Jewell. All of our children have family names for middle names and I think this gives them a link to their wonderful heritage.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Nesting Projects
There's nothing like being 9 months pregnant to getting a LOT of projects done. I am in full nesting frenzy. My kind mother was nice enough to come spend a few days with us to help with some of these projects.
We sanded, primed and painted a dresser. I have to say that using a power sander was awesome.

And of course no project would be complete without a little "undoing" by the little people. 5 seconds before our dinner guests arrived tonight, Mike found Julia's blinds in this state. Apparently she thought it would be a good idea to cut the strings holding the slats in her blinds.
I guess I should count my blessings that she didn't cut her new curtains or bedspread or take a Sharpie to her new bedroom furniture, but really............. Too bad she only has 30 cents in her piggy bank to help pay for the damage. Oh kids.
We sanded, primed and painted a dresser. I have to say that using a power sander was awesome.

We purchased fabric and made curtains for the girls' room which I really love. We washed tons of baby clothes and blankets. And last but not least we purchased an awesome bedroom set off of Craigslist. Love Craigslist.

And of course no project would be complete without a little "undoing" by the little people. 5 seconds before our dinner guests arrived tonight, Mike found Julia's blinds in this state. Apparently she thought it would be a good idea to cut the strings holding the slats in her blinds.
I guess I should count my blessings that she didn't cut her new curtains or bedspread or take a Sharpie to her new bedroom furniture, but really............. Too bad she only has 30 cents in her piggy bank to help pay for the damage. Oh kids.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Counting Down
Even though I don't love pregnancy pics I thought I would post this one of my 42 inch waist. Ha Ha. I have 27 more days until my due date but hopefully I will be induced a week early in 20 days. "Nesting" action is in full blown swing at our house and every nook and cranny is getting cleaned, organized and arranged for our upcoming arrival. Her clothes are washed and I can't believe how small they are. WOW we are getting excited. And I am getting VERY excited not to be pregnant anymore. :)

Monday, February 20, 2012
Valentine's Day

True love consists not only in buying your husband a giant piece of red meat for Valentine's Day, but also teaching your daughter how to tenderize the meat in the marinade. She had a great time helping me prepare dinner for our special day. Having a daughter is wonderful. She was able to make most of the crust herself for Daddy's pink heart cheesecake. Of course her favorite part was that almost everything we ate had the color pink or red in it. She and Blake especially enjoyed drinking out of goblets for the first time. She has asked many times since then to drink out of a "goggle". ha ha
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Birthday Fun

Julia turns 5 in a few days. I told her she could invite 5 friends to her first "real" birthday party. Planning a party for a girl was really a lot of fun. As in REALLY fun. It was so fun to go shopping for just the right things for her cupcake/pony party.
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