About 3 months ago I got a bright idea. I wanted to run a 10K race but knew that due to tax season Mike would be unable to come and watch me (and take care of the kids). So I schemed up a little plan. I somehow convinced my 13 year old niece Andi to run it with me and my sister to watch the kids. Andi likes to run but was a little nervous about running a 6.2 mile race. We went on a few long runs together and we both ran on our own as well.
Race day came and we dressed in matching t-shirts. (hence me and mini me) I am proud to say that Andi did awesome!!!!!! She came in FIRST for her age division and even more awesome is that she BEAT me. IN the final push she found her extra gas tank and beat me by five seconds. Whoa this kid has some talent. She showed her old lady aunt how it's done. :)

WOW! You both look happy after running the 6 plus miles...I can't say I would have that smile on my face...great job!
please andi keep running. then maybe i wont have to run the PV half in 2012.
Way to go:) That's cool that your neice ran with you!
Andi rocks! That is so awesome! Amy, you rock too. I can't get over how fast you two ran that thing.
Awesome! Want to run another 10K in May? Rebecca and I are looking into one in Woodland Hills, since I missed the Great Race...
Let me know the date. I am running a half marathon May 15 so maybe if it is after that I'll do it.
Stop being sooo modest and tell us all your amazing time ! Wasn't it like 50 minutes... CRAZY ! You both inspire me ! Yes come run the 10k in May. I haven't signed up yet but want to and it would be a blast if all 4 of us did it...even though you will leave us in the dust !:0)
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