My instrument of torture:

I absolutely HATE to exercise indoors. My advanced stage of pregnancy has taken away my favorite form of exercising which is running, and it is too cold to go swimming, so biking is my only outdoor option. About 2-3 times a week I strap the kids in the bike
trailer and off we go. Unfortunately the farther along I get, the more difficult this becomes. I am realizing that I need to accept the fact that I cannot go very far and that I cannot go very fast. It is rather frustrating to feel so winded when I am doing something that is normally not that difficult. I'm embarrassed when I see anyone I know on the streets because I'm sure I look completely pathetic, but oh well, at least I'm outside, and not on our elliptical machine (which I hate) indoors.
I can't wait to run again!!!!!!!!
You are amazing, Amy. You are, what, 35 weeks pregnant? And you're biking with two kids in a trailer? Doesn't sound like you're accepting limitations! I know how much you love to run though. Great Race 2010!
Um, I don't think ANYONE would think that you look pathetic. Please! I'm not even pregnant and just LOOKING at that bike/trailer with two kids makes me exhausted.
That is funny - I tried to ride a bike last year when I was in my third trimester but my stomach was so huge my knees would hit it.
I wasn't riding for exercise though I was just teaching one of my boys how to ride a two wheeler.
Just walk really fast and push a jogger - I'd say that was exercise.
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