Spring is my favorite season and every time I look outside and see the world covered in GREEN I smile. I love Daffodils. I love the smell of Jasmine. I love Mike and how he knows these things and brings me these gifts from the earth for no reason at all. I love that flowers don't mean " I'm sorry or Happy Anniversary" at our home, but rather "I saw these and knew that you would love them and the surprise of getting them" .

I love that soon (24 days) we will be welcoming a new baby into our home. There is something so magical about holding someone so fresh from heaven.
I love my health. Yesterday I had the 24 hour stomach flu and it feels so good to be feeling normal again. I am grateful that Mike is such a loving husband and helped me feel better even as I barfed literally in front of his face. I am grateful for a body that can exercise (albeit in a limited fashion nowadays) and do all the things that I need it to do.
and the list could go on and on....... Happy Spring everyone!!!!