When Blake announced a few weeks back that he wanted a Lightning Mcqueen Cake for his birthday I knew we were in trouble. I have NO cake decorating skills. Suffice it to say that Mike has frosted every cake I have made since we have been married. And while Mike fares better than me in this regard, his talent doesn't extend to Lightning McQueen. And then I had a brilliant idea-Paul. Paul is my very artistic nephew who lives close by. He agreed to take on the task, and so tonight, he and his girlfriend Ashley came over and managed to take 2 9x13 cakes I baked and transform them into this AWESOME Lightning McQueen cake. Thanks Paul and Ashley. Blake will be in heaven when he wakes up tomorrow on his birthday and sees the wonderful creation. 

Nice thinking, Amy. Do you think I could outsource my kids' birthday cakes to Alyssa?
Happy Birthday Blake! We were hoping you would get a new cousin for your birthday but she just didn't cooperate. The cake is awesome!
Happy Birthday, Blake! Cool cake. I have no cake decorating skills either. That's why I usually buy cakes. :)
That is AWESOME! Happy 3rd Blake!
Happy Birthday Blake! That's funny Amy.. in nursery on Sunday Blake told me it was his birthday. I wished him Happy Birthday and then asked him if his Mommy made him a cake and he said "no." Was this before of after he saw this cool cake? So funny. You have a very talented nephew. By the way, there's nothing wrong with using whatever resources we have available!
I showed Britain the cake and he asked, "Who made that cake?" I said, "Paul." He then asked, "Paul make Britain a Lightning McQueen cake?"
What a thoughtful mom you are to arrange this for Blake. And what an awesome cake!!
Very cool!
Very cool!
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