this dirty governor was outed for his little visits with workers from the "Emperors' Club".
Both men are known to be brilliant...but how brilliant is it to cheat on your wife WHILE YOU ARE GOVERNOR and THINK THAT YOU WON'T GET CAUGHT. Can't wait to read the book about Eliot written by his wife (or shall we say soon to be ex-wife) Silda in a few years. I really wish I could get inside of good old Eliot's head. At what point did he go from prosecuting this type of thing to patronizing it? Why? When? How?
What is that quote about how power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Any more dirty governors want to out themselves????
Dirty Dirty Dirty..........that's all I have to say
Matt and I were just talking about this last night...It is just too much for me to try and understand. The thing that makes me so sad is his three daughters...how awful...what a role model for those girls. It makes me sick.
Even better than that, he's prosecuted several of these exact same kind of rings. It's really hard to feel sorry for these guys. I do feel sorry for his family though. Not only heartache, but embarassment. I'm tired of corrupt politicians!
There are several things that bother me about this whole scandal but here are just a few thoughts
1. Trust for politicians. If we can't trust their personal character then how can we trust their service to our society and know they up hold values that have made this nation great. The problem is most of these scandals surface after election or during service. In light of the Presidential election I wish there more canidates that emulated the characters and wisdom of the founding fathers - but I'm an idealist.
2. The media. I believe they go over board which turns the issue almost into entertainment.
3. Our society in general. This is just one case - it is a high profile case. But countless families across our country are afflicted with such tragedy. Any attack on the family is a tragedy and there are far too many of them. We have become somewhat desensitized to it all.
On a lighter note Amy - check out this comment from my friend who buys Amy Butler fabric all the time.
Very well said Amy ! It is really tragic and such a selfish thing for him to do. I can not even begin to fathom how his wife is thinking at this point. Run Run for your life !
I love it when you get so fired up about things. It's one of my favorite things about you. ;)
Alright, they've had enough face time for their heinous acts. Have you read, "When Character Was King" about Ronald Reagan? The fact that we need more politicians with character is an understatement!
Did I read that right? The guy cheated on his wife with a man?! Wow.
I don't understand why Eliot's wife was still standing by his side during his "apology speech"??? I'd be like "ummmm...divorce papers...NOW"!!!
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