Here is my attempt at blogging. I am very lame at understanding all this new-fangled technology but I will give it a try. So, to start out on a funny note, I am including the following picture from our recent trip to Brasil. First of all, I hate dogs, and Brasil has a large quantity of street dogs. I hate everything about them but on this particular day they provided us with some good entertainment. We had arrived at the beach with high hopes, only to find it pouring rain. As we were deciding what to do, we noticed a pack of about 10 dogs chasing after 1 dog. (need I say more) This amusing mating dance kept us occupied while we stood under some shelter in the pouring rain trying to come up with plan b. By the way, we didn't stay long enough to see which dog won the prize.

This is what beautiful Florianopolis looks like when it is not raining.
I love your title! It couldn't be better.
I'm going to have to call you so that you can help me understand how to post photos like you did.
You are the coolest!
I love your title, too. I love your pregnant belly. And I love that you went back to Brazil, you cosmopolitan traveler. Are you building bodies, as in little Amys and Mikes, or are you bronzing up and competing in body builder competitions in your teeny tiny bikini? The world need to know these things.
I am so excited!
Welcome, Amy! I am so glad you are here! Your blog is lovely - I love the colors, and your title is just perfect!
You hate dogs? Even Solveig the talking wonder? She doesn't talk much anymore. She's lost most of her hearing and sight and just occupies space in my sister's house these days. Poor dog. Your doggy story is very funny! I can't wait to hear more about your trip to Brazil and your adventures in body building(?!)
Oh Amy! You are very popular in blogville already. I can't believe I am commenter #4. Well, your first post is all I hoped it would be and more. You know I'll be stalking your blog everyday.
I think you secretly like dogs. . .
I thought Solveig was DEAD. And Emily, although I do live in a state that is governed by a body builder I am of the different sort of body builder. (the kind that entitles me to eat lots of food whenever I want- at least for the next 3 months)
Welcome to the world of blogging! The blog looks great!
Love E
Well I hope this venture works out better than when you tried to play Racquetball with you forehead.
Yeah amy- nice blog you blogger head! I love the dog picture. That was highly entertaining!
Solveig isn't dead but getting there. Hannah is the dead one. (She never talked to me, so I don't care.) Yes, Hannah is the dead dog, whose ashes now reside in my mother's living room. I kid you not.
Amy tried to play racquetball with her forehead? She also head-butted a sign in a parking lot once. The sign won.
Holy popular!!
Don't comments make you feel so validated?
My husband is going to be so sad that you started blogging. One more blog for me to add to my home page and check every day. I'm excited for all future posts.
Amy~ Hope you don't mind me popping in! I caught your site name from Rebecca's site. So glad you've joined Blog City! Welcome back from Brazil... we've missed your cute family! Crazy dog story.. and hilarious!
Amy~ Hope you don't mind me popping in! I caught your site name from Rebecca's site. So glad you've joined Blog City! Welcome back from Brazil... we've missed your cute family! Crazy dog story.. and hilarious!
If you ask me, I bet they ALL won the prize...dirty dogs.
I love all the pics!
Amy! Okay, I missed you at the end of Relief Society to get your email, so I found the last entry to your blog so I will give you mine. Email me at and let me know your email...and I will invite you to my blog. I'll be looking for one!
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