As a general rule, I like shopping for clothes. However there are 2 items that I really don't like buying, purses and shoes. I can't even remember the last time I purchased a purse, unless you count the one I got 4 years ago at a garage sale for 25 cents. My purses have mainly come from two sources, Alyssa and my Mom. I appreciate that others are willing to help me out in this matter. My real estate agent also gave me a purse once. Apparently, however, there are others who live in far away places that are also concerned about my lack of purse buying skills. About 3 years ago, Mike and I traveled to Brasil. While we were there I acquired a most unusual purse from a friend of one of my missionary companions. It is a purse made from one continuous zipper. Very odd, but a great conversation piece as well as very useful. See exhibit A below. (sorry I have no idea how to flip it)

As I wrote in my first post, we recently returned from another trip to Brasil. On this trip we were visiting with a friend who decided to show me her collection of homemade purses. Now these aren't any purses mind you. These happen to be purses made from recycled materials that are crocheted together such as plastic bottles and soda can tabs. And wouldn't you know it, she gave me one of these gems. I now have my own soda can tab purse. Please note that I was instructed to use this purse at high class affairs such as weddings and parties because it has fake pearls sewn on it. I don't know, soda tabs and high class parties- do they mix???? Please see exhibit B.

I can't wait to see what kind of purse I get next time we go to Brasil. And for all of you who have ever given me a purse, thanks.
Interesting. Soda can tabs and pearls, huh? I hope you bring it to church tomorrow. I would enjoy an up close look. Bring the zipper purse too.
I'm not catching the vision of the soda tab purse. How??
I'm so glad that I got to inherit the purse that your real estate agent gave you. Although I no longer use it (think diaper bag), I rocked that thing for a year solid-- and got lots of compliments too.
Oh, Brazilians are so resourceful! Soda tabs!
Are you really a body builder? Could you explain? So many possible visual explanations are going through my head.
Wow, fancy shmancy and who would have thought to make purses from soda tabs? Now kitchen placemats... that I can see.
So you don't frequent purse buying, but you make such cute ones for gifts?! I love my placemat purse you made me!
Amy - sorry to get off topic, but you won't believe this. I had no warning!
Suzie- did Solveig die because I thought she was already dead???It's all my fault.
I guess you sent bad vibes. I can just hear her now: "I'm just a daawwg, Amy... why do you hate me so?"
And as for the shoes thing: how can you not love buying shoes? They're easy to try on, and for crying out loud they are SHOES! Shoes are FUN!
Happy Belated Birthday! I hope it was a good 31!
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