We spent Thanksgiving in St. George of all random places. My brother Jim and his wife Kristina who live in D.C. were down visiting her parents and sealed their sweet baby to their family in the St. George temple. It was a great weekend filled with good food, fun times at the sand dunes, shopping, and lots of laughs, but I have to say that my favorite part was the sight I saw on Thanksgiving morning. At 11:00am we were headed over to the Thanksgiving feast and we just happened to drive past a Chuck-A-Rama Restaurant. Now, I don't know about the rest of you but the only times I have been sighted in that restaurant has been when I have been forced to go with my 98 year old grandma who absolutely raves about how good it is. I find it about on par with BYU dorm food-ughhh. Anyway, not only was Chuck-A-Rama open for business, but there were about 50 people waiting in line outside to get in. Most were very nicely dressed in their Thanksgiving best. Oh yeah, and did I mention that a significant portion of these eager clients were in the "blue hair" genre. What is it about old people and gross buffet restaurants. Do they like them because they have no more taste buds? Somebody please explain. I just feel sorry for their family members who were forced to join them. Happy Thanksgiving to them, and stay away from Grandma's next year or you just might end up at one of these establishments.
I've never been to Chuck-A-Rama, but there is one right across the street from the school where I used to teach. Whenever the kids got "treated" to lunch for their 4.0 or participation on the basketball team, they always got to go there. They would have eating contests and report back to me how much they ate. Disgusting. No wonder our country is OBESE.
Last time we were up in SLC we wanted to treat my G&G to dinner wherever they wanted to go. We went to Chuck-a-rama. (it wasn't as bad as I remembered it) I think the older crowd likes it 'cause they get a hefty senior citizen discount, they get to eat whatever they want and they don't have to cook. I know you secretly wished that you had one close by:)
Just so you know, my parents' wedding day brunch was at the local Chuch-a-Rama!!! I know! Why? Why would you? - Just based on the name, why? "You are cordially invited to join the newly married couple in a celebration of their love at CHUCK-A-RAMA . . ."
Our local Chuck-A-Rama place is called "Hometown Buffet" - a much more palatable name, but they can't fool me... I know what it truly is.
A few years ago when we were out of town with the in-laws for Thanksgiving we went to the local upscale grocery store and each picked out our Thanksgiving meal at the deli. Fancy. Didn't matter because I had the stomach flu that day.
Been to that St. George chuck-a-rama. We often stay with relatives in SG and my parents offered to take them anywhere they wanted for dinner...
I love all your chuck-a-rama stories. Pepper, I tried to click on your link but it wouldn't send me to your blog. Can you email me the link at ajstansel@yahoo.com
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