10 years ago my brother married a charming girl named Amy. I liked her then and I like her now but I DON"T like the fact that we have the same name because it gets very confusing when we are together with my family. My family took to calling me Amy Classic which I didn't like very much. Since I am the original Amy I feel that i should be just Amy and they can call her something else. But alas the problem has continued this whole time. So this Christmas my whole family was together (except for Robert and Emily who just had a baby) for a Disneyland vacation. We had a great time but that's a different post. Anyway, one night several people started arm wrestling. Amy went on and on about how weak she was and how she never beats anyone in arm wrestling. Now I am pretty lame myself considering my 12 year old nephew can beat me but since she was going on and on and on about it I thought...........here's my chance to settle this problem forever. I challenged her to an arm wrestle and said that whoever won got all the rights and privileges of forever more being called Amy. The loser would have to come up with a new name. I thought I was so clever......until I lost that is. So yes, I lost my birthright and no one will let me forget it. If you are a member of my family I now will only respond to the name of AmyJune.
And obviously my lesson learned is that I AM THE WEAKEST PERSON IN THE WORLD.
p.s. Amy-is this the real reason you made me an apple juice slushy? Did you feel bad about stealing my name?
Haha! I love this post. I'm so glad I was there to witness it. :-)
That must have been some arm wrestling match! By the way, since we weren't able to be there, the whole calling you AJ doesn't apply to us:)
Love you Amy!
maybe you should change your name to Esau!
So funny!
Yes, I love this post too Lauren and sorry emily but you will be calling her amy june from now on!!! ha! ha! ha! I think for christmas next year I will give you hand towels for all your bathrooms and kitchen with the initial AJ on them just as a little reminder!! ha! J/K you know I love you and I would give you your name back but I'm just not that nice!! I'd rather keep making you apple juice slushies for every time you shart.
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