At a garage sale a dollar goes a long way. I found the gem below for 25 cents and thought it had some good potential. I envisioned something kind of ruffley with gathered sleeves. I figured I had nothing to loose since my investment was only a quarter. I like how it turned out, although it still needs some sort of button to close the top. (Pretty sure that one will have to be pink to satisfy Julia)

I picked up the maryjanes for $1. I couldn't resist Gap leather shoes for one dollar. If only I could grow her whole outfit to my size.
Total cost of outfit $1.25
And I'm posting this because it's not really a bargain unless everyone knows about it. :) Happy bargain shopping everyone.
This turned out so cute, Amy! Your refashioning skills are so inspiring. I would love to see a sewing gallery on your blog featuring pictures like these of your creations. Blogland hasn't seen Julia's Christmas dress for example. You're so talented!
So cute! And I wish some of Natalie's clothes could come in my size too!
Wow...way to go Amy:) Looks fantabulous!
amy I love it. I am so impressed and really wish I could do great projects like you. You are awesome!!
For those who like to photograph, here is the link from my blog
Is still new but already has lots of pictures.
Take a look, I'm waiting for you
Thanks and kisses ;P
Amy I wish I had just an ounce of your talent. Julia looks adorable, I love the dress. Miss you guys!
that is a fantastic refashion! love the maryjanes too.
One good thing about a XXL Tall husband is I can actually refashion his clothes to me - but it always costs double to buy his clothes in the first place so maybe it is not such a great deal.
Lucky you get garage saling year round in CA! Post more sewing - it is so fun to see
great view of her panties but be much nicer to see hercunt
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