Look what Santa brought Julia.

There's nothing like free labor. Mike enlisted several of our nieces and nephews to shell peanuts for peanut brittle. 
Meet the newest member of our family, out adorable little great niece (now i feel really old) natalie. So sweet. Pretend that my hands do not look like they belong on a skeleton.

"hey while we are waiting for Daddy to get off of Soaring over California let's throw all of the goldfish out of the bag and smash them"

Christmas feels like so long ago. I guess it was technically last year:)
We had a great time at Disneyland hanging out with almost my entire family. This is what I've learned about the place. Enjoy the rain because that means that there are very short lines.
Unfortunately I was too busy having fun to take very many pictures. And even more unfortunate is the fact that several of us got very sick with the worst stomach flu I've ever had. 4 days-yuck. I'm just glad we are all healthy again.
4 days?? Yikes!
Can anything beat the look on Julia's sweet face? That makes it all worth it:D
Julia looks like she's going to explode with joy!
Other than the barfing, Disneyland with the whole family sounds so fabulous! What a fun way to spend a long break.
Your hands do not look like skeletons, but I loved your comment - "Pretend . . ."
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