Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fabric Fabric

I don't spend my money on nice shoes, purses, or expensive jewelry. But I am a total sucker for beautiful fabric. I love FABRIC. The possibilities are so endless and it's fun thinking about all the things I can make with this new stash. I went downtown last Saturday with a good friend and came back with yards and yards of heavily discounted designer fabric. They had a giant table full of half off stuff and I stocked up. You know you are addicted when you bought a lot but still want more.
3 years ago, my sister Carol offered to let me borrow her serger while she was in Spain for 3 years. For the first several months it just sat on my sewing desk, because I was kind of afraid of it. A serger can be overwhelming when you first learn how to use it because there are 3-5 different spools of thread all going at once. But once I got the hang of it, I used it ALL THE TIME. I really credit this machine to helping me become a much better seamstress. I'm very sad to part with it. Hopefully I can convince my husband to give me one for my birthday/Christmas this year. And I just can't resist posting a picture of Mr. Smiley.


Sarah said...

Lovin' all the different styles of fabric you have. I am jealous you got to go downtown and score such a good deal. Mr. Smiley is looking as delicious as ever.:0)We will have to get together so that we can get a closer look at "McCole". Miss you guys.

Tracy said...

Tell your sister to go back to spain and stop taking all the good stuff :) Let Mike know I want to contribute to the birthday serger fund!

Nicole said...

I love seeing the things you make with all your amazing fabrics! I think making (not buying)clothing is a lost art form! I'm happy you use your talent!

Ashley said...

I haven't checked your blog in forever! Cole is getting so cute! I'm sorry that the piano and serger had to go home. If I know Mike at all I think you can feel somewhat confident that there is a new serger in your future. So excited to see you guys this weekend!!!

Suzie Petunia said...

Mr. Smiley is adorable! What cute kids you have, Amy!

If I also contribute to the serger fund will you make me an "Amy Original"? I love the beautiful things you make, and I'm so glad you post your latest projects. They are so fun to see! You really are a very talented lady... in more ways than just sewing. But right now I'm rather envious of your sewing skills!