2 Sundays ago, Julia wore her Christmas dress from last year. It was about 5 inches too short and barely zipped up her back, but at least she was festive. Being the procrastinator that I am, I decided on Saturday that she really did need a new Christmas dress for this year. I started digging through my fabric stash and came across a small remnant of green corduroy fabric that my older sister had given me. I'm glad she didn't just trash it as it became Julia's new Christmas dress. (after a frustrating hour or so trying to rearrange my pattern to make it all fit on the tiny piece of material) Gotta love FREE stuff!!
And speaking of trash, my new new sofas are here and we put our old ones out on the curb for someone else to pick up and enjoy. Someone took one, but we still have one left before garbage day tomorrow. I am very embarrassed that I have a couch in front of my house. But alas, our dryer broke on Saturday so not only do I have a couch in front of my house, I also have a dryer as well. NICE!!! We're "those neighbors" that I'm sure everyone hates. Sorry neighbors. It will all be gone tomorrow.
And here is a picture of one of our new couches with the child that actually smiles. (Trying to get Julia to smile is, well, a little difficult)