Poor Julia, she was cursed with bad breath and stinky feet.
Every time I take off her sandals I recoil from the unpleasant odor
emanating from those cute little feet. And every morning when she wakes up, I try not to let her breathe on me because I want to faint when I smell her breath. How can someone so adorable be so stinky. The worst part is that she gets both of these problems from me. Sorry kid, and good luck.
Does anyone have any good remedies for the stinky feet problem?
I have heard that baby powder works but I don't know.
I was going to say baby powder, too. Or just don't wear shoes without socks - ha, ha, like that's possible in the Summer!
What kind of shoes? Is she wearing sandals or socks/tennis when they're stinky? Or both? I know when Alli wears leather sandals they always stink after getting wet or sweaty. They stink bad! But other sandals are ok because her feet air out. It's just the leather for us.
You are soooo funny Amy! truth is (well at least what I think - don't know if it is scientificallly proven yet) the toxins have to come out somewhere.
People just plain stink - everyone does if its not their feet or breath it is coming out somewhere else. That is coming from my experience of living in a house FULL of people.
Poor little Julia is just too little to know how to mask it. Have her wear socks, use a baby wipe on her feet during diaper changes, or even get a pedicure.
By the time it will really matter (early teens) there will probably be some great products out!
hmmmmm.....don't think I can help. However, if you find something for the bad breath let me know. Lucas has bad breath too. Congrats to mike on his hike. I would love to do something like that. great pictures.
I wish she swasnaked with her legs up and spread I LOVE a tinypussy
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