And then tonight I attended a Cajun Cooking class. It was wonderful and I learned a lot. (as in, people in New Orleans DON'T eat vegetables) I love going to cooking classes. If only they were free I would go all the time. I really love to cook. I have a secret fantasy of going to Culinary school someday. I don't want to be a chef, I just want to know how to make all types of food for my family and friends. Oh, and I also really want a dining room. I know that a lot of people find dining rooms superfluous, but not me. There is really nothing that would please me more than having a dinning room with a table that seats 14. That way, we could have lots of people over for dinner every Sunday. Afterall, people and food are my two favorite things.

My mom waited a long time to find and be able to afford the right dining room table. Her house is small, but the way it is set up they are able to open up the dining table into the family room. Her table seats 22. It is very cool!
Glad to know that your sweat shop went well. Can't wait to see the results:)
If you make me a beautiful dress with netting underneath I will come to your home and let you cook and serve to me a delicious vegetable-free cajun meal at your grand dining room table. Sounds fun to me!!
Suzie-You just have to provide the dining room and the table and it's a deal.
I can't wait to see the dresses! Don't forget to take pics for your blog before you give them away. What an amazing talent you have! I wish I could cook better too. I'd love to go to a class. Let me know next time you're looking into one.
When are kids are all done with school, we'll go to Culinary School together. That's my not-so-secret dream too.
Amy, what don't you do? I'm very impressed. My dream is to have a big table someday too so we can have lots of people over for Sunday dinner, just like my parents. I am so excited for tonight cause Kim and David are coming. Yay!!!
I share your passion for people and food! You're a great cook and host Amy. You really seem to be interested (& brave) in ethnic cooking- way to broaden the tastebuds!
I want to see your finished dresses.
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