I have never felt so grateful to live in a civilized non war-torn nation as I do after reading this book. It is the story of a boy from Sierra Leone who watches his whole village get killed and eventually gets forced into the "army" at the age of 13, where they drug him constantly and go on massive killing sprees. It truly is the most horrifying yet eye opening book I have ever read. I think as Americans, too often we take our peace and prosperity for granted. Most of the world doesn't have the privilege of not living in constant fear like we do. If you decide to read it, be forewarned that it is disturbing.
Once I finish reading Eat, Love, Pray I'm going to read it.
p.s. I loved your comment to Jomama on my blog. I pretty much want to fight him too.
It is more than a little terrifying to think about what goes on in other nations. I'm glad I'm raising my family where I am.
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