A few weeks ago I got out the 6-9 months clothes for Julia to start wearing. It seemed like a rather heavy load of clothes and I was very excited to see how cute she looked in all of them. Well here I am almost 3 weeks later and I have to admit that she still has not worn anything twice. It's amazing. I think her little drawer just keeps producing clothes in that size because just when I think she has gone throgh them all I find something else. It's like magic. Now if only my closet would do that. I feel like she is my very own live doll. Having a girl is so much fun. My sewing room is full of dresses in various sizes and stages of completion. When I go to the fabric district in downtown LA or to the local fabric store everything just seems to be calling her name.
My friend smocked and sewed that sweet little dress above. I love to be matchy matchy with her. But friends, don't get too anxious to see a garter belt type bow in her hair because it just ain't gonna happen.
Okay, so you are bypassing the garter hair accessories. . . but what are you going to do once she starts sprouting hair? I can't wait. Aim, you are going to have to do hairstyles!!!!!!!
I never noticed the lack of hair bows on Julia before. She's cute enough au natural. It's great to see you experiencing so much joy with your girl.
Amy, as you know, I'm a full supporter of bald baby girls without massive bows attached to headbands (no offense to melissa etc.!)
Just wait until I find out I'm having a boy - Julia's drawer will be oozing all over your house with slightly-to-extremely well worn girl clothes!!! Aren't you so glad none of my siblings have children?!
Oh, also - that pic is totally cute and Diana's dress is adorable. You need to be showing off your amazing dress making AND smocking skills in blog photos.
So cute! Girl clothes are so much fun. It's addicting! I love dresses the most. When Emma was small she only got to wear most of her dresses once or twice because I kept buying more. Now she's moving out of 12 months size and into 18 months and I only have a few dresses. Oh well, I guess I'll have to buy more. Oh, and don't worry Amy and Rebecca, I'm not offended by the negative hair bow remarks. :)
P.S. I agree with Rebecca, you should post pictures of the dresses you make!
I wish I had a magic drawer:)
ju ju is so pretty! She looks so happy in the photo. She must be smiling because her dress is so nicely smocked. Or because she's glad to be with her mom. Who *isn't* smiling when they get to hang out with Amy?
Amy - like you said - I really do wish i had a drawer that kept producing me new clothes. She is sooooo cute. I can't wait to get her together with Lucas.
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