A few weeks ago I got out the 6-9 months clothes for Julia to start wearing. It seemed like a rather heavy load of clothes and I was very excited to see how cute she looked in all of them. Well here I am almost 3 weeks later and I have to admit that she still has not worn anything twice. It's amazing. I think her little drawer just keeps producing clothes in that size because just when I think she has gone throgh them all I find something else. It's like magic. Now if only my closet would do that. I feel like she is my very own live doll. Having a girl is so much fun. My sewing room is full of dresses in various sizes and stages of completion. When I go to the fabric district in downtown LA or to the local fabric store everything just seems to be calling her name.
My friend smocked and sewed that sweet little dress above. I love to be matchy matchy with her. But friends, don't get too anxious to see a garter belt type bow in her hair because it just ain't gonna happen.