Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Evil Villains & Damsel in Distress

Do these pictures even need an explanation. Anyone with sons and daughters will quickly understand how a furry little puppy got stolen from a pretty little damsel and strung up on a curtain rod by evil villains. The damsel was then lured into the villains' lair where were many obstacles(involving lots of tape, ribbon and string) stood in the way of getting the precious puppy. Cries of despair were to be heard from the poor little damsel, while shouts of joy and jubilation came from the pair of evil villains.
And the Queen Mommy just wanted to laugh at the whole scene.

Oh it's fun to be a boy! So little time, so many ways to annoy your sister.


rebecca said...

That is hilarious! Naughty boys (he he he!!!) and poor Julia. That is classic sibling rivalry right there, and probably a little peer pressure too. :)

Anonymous said...

good girl on the bed face down ass up she knows analsex is fun