Sometimes I wonder if I can take another minute of yelling, crying, whining, runny noses and complaints. Sometimes I wonder how many times I will clean up spilled milk or cereal or any number of messy food items per day. Sometimes I wonder why I bother making my children clean up their messes at night when it will get messy again in 12 hours. Sometimes the thought of changing yet another poopy diaper makes me want to cry. Sometimes I wonder why children like to make siblings scream and cry. Sometimes I feel like I am losing my marbles. It will seriously be a miracle if I survive my childrens' childhood with all my marbles. Sometimes when I lay down at night exhausted by the full day behind me I wonder if I can possibly do it all again in a few hours.
And then I think of my mother and smile. Somehow she survived all 7 of us and still has all her marbles. I can honestly count on one hand the times I saw my mom angry or at a loss of patience with us. I know I am not as patient as Mom but if she could survive 7 certainly I can survive 3 right??????

So, I want to know your secret for not losing your marbles. Anyone have any good coping mechanisms when the circus animals(that you love dearly) get the best of you?
Michelle and Catherine and I were all admitting to losing our marbles the other night at dinner. It's always good to commiserate a little.
Good post. I know I lost more than marbles today - goodbye patience!
One trick I have used is to have them all sit down and read books/look at books. This keeps them quiet and lets me breathe a bit...
You mean the marbles are supposed to stay put? Whoops! My question would be, "Where can I get more?" I think mine are gone. But that would take marbles to figure out.
I never feel this way!!! he! he! he! First of all I LOVE this picture. It's great. Second, it's so true about your mom. She is just such a patient person. I try and imagine her with all those kids running around and imagine her always smiling. She's amazing. And your post made me smile. Glad I am not the only one who feels this way at times!!This year is especially interesting with NO husband....ever. Got to love school with 4 kids!
Call me. I will babysit and give you some time to recharge. That's what visiting teachers are for! ;o)
I can't really commiserate or offer any advice, but I just have to tell you how much I love that picture! It's so fun to see them so young and so in love with their little baby Amy!
Your mom is definitely one in a million. No advice here either because I really don't think I have any marbles left.. they are all gone!:)
Love the old school pic of your mom and dad!
As for advice, I only have two kiddos and I haven't lost my marbles yet. I guess that will happen in March when #3 arrives.
Yeah - I'm always in tears asking my mom how she did it and she just laughs! The laughing certainly helps.
I wish I had better mom tips for you but I certainly have a handful to say about refashioning sweaters. Maybe too much for this comment.
Aren't you on facebook? I'll try you there.
I struggle with this on a daily basis too, just ask my kids.. The one thing that I have done in the past is to remember to ask for help in your prayers. Asking Heavenly Father specifically for increased patience in dealing with the children almost always works for me. On the days I remember to do this I can definitely feel a difference in how I react to the crazy things they do.
No, I have no answer, but I dream about taking a vacation, a long one, by myself, for a long time....
Can't wait to see you!
Girl, YOu just gotta do what I do. Don't get married and then you will never have to worry about kids... :P
Amy...I can so relate to everything you said. I'm glad that I'm not the Aonly one that feels this way. I pray for patience A LOT!!!! I have also been trying to savor the happy moments:)
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