12 hours after returning home from my brother's home, Mike, the kids and I were off to my sister's for 4 days of Mary Poppins part 2.
Their kids are at great ages and we all had a great time. Andi was the master Halloween project maker and under her direction we made some pretty fun and creepy things. Most of the ideas are from the Family Fun website if you are interested in doing your own stuff.
Julia was the "helpful assistant" who often ate important ingredients right off the projects.

Homemade GAK- so gross but so cool. Made from glue, borax, water and food coloring.

Witch brooms

Haunted graveyard

Scary witches

Spooky spiders (my personal favorite)

Edible eyeballs

Homemade tortillas in bat and ghost shapes. (I have never ever even considered making homemade tortillas- GO Andi)

Pizza Mummies

Monster Mouths

Cole loved all the attention from Jeffrey who was always more than willing to hold him. Cole was also happy to be upgraded to a walk in closet from his previous quarters of a laundry room.

Julia's favorite ride: being pushed in the mop bucket by Jeffrey.

Wow! You were very busy! I'm impressed. Hilarious pic of Julia in a mop bucket with helmet. Love it. Favorite quote - "Julia . . . often ate important ingredients right off the projects." He he.
Whoa!!! You went all-out on the Halloween projects! Glad to see that the graveyard worked out well with the bean substitution. I hope your nieces and nephews realize what a cool aunt they have!!!
I LOVE the picture of Julia in the bucket. It might be my favorite of her ever. I love it.
Cole gets cuter every day. I love his big, big eyes. So handsome!
Bring some of those spooky treat to Mandy's party!
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