Growing up, I had 5 eye surgeries to try to correct my strabismus. A few years ago I was astounded to hear that my wonderful opthomologist, Dr. Rosenbaum barely escaped being killed by a car bomb that was put there by some animal rights activists because they were angry at the research he was doing on animals at UCLA to further medical science.
There are those who think that research on animals is cruel and should not be done. Then there are those who believe that research on animals helps science progress. The two sides will never come to an agreement. Regardless of how you feel on the matter, any reasonable person can conclude that the actions of the bombers were reprehensible and atrocious, and that the bombers themselves were bigots. (definition- a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.)
Last Tuesday, California voters passed Prop 8 which amends the state Constitution to say that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California. I gave of my time, my money and my vote to support this proposition. 2 days after the election, a thousand protesters marched in front of the Los Angeles Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints holding signs that read "Mormons are bigots" and other accusatory things and shouting things such as, "Shame on you". I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I saw all of this unfold on the news. Laugh because quite frankly it is comical that they attribute the passing of Prop 8 to a group of people who make up only about 2% of the population. (maybe they should have protested African American neighborhoods because 70% of them voted yes, and they make up a significantly larger portion of the population than Mormons.) And I wanted to cry because I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I cringe at being called a bigot and other horrible names.
A bigot I AM NOT. Why did I support Prop 8? Because the most ideal situation in which to raise a child is in a home with a mother and a father. Every child deserves to have a mother and father who love and care for him and each other. This is why marriage is so important. It binds a woman and a man together to create and raise a healthy and well adjusted child. And healthy children make for a healthy society. Changing the most basic definition of marriage (which is a proven formula for creating successful people) basically discounts the importance of both a mother and father in a child's life. And messing with something that has been proven to work is a very scary thing for society. Now by saying this I do not mean to imply that children raised in a non mother/father home cannot grow up to be healthy and happy citizens, nor am I stating that all children raised in traditional families are productive citizens, I am simply asserting that they have the best chance of becoming so when raised by a mother and a father who are married- and happily I might add. Every person on this planet yearns for strong loving connection with both his/her mother and father. And if you really don't believe me, just ask all the many foster children I have worked with over the years. Unfortunately, the institution of marriage has already been weakening for several years, and so the coming about of this desire to change the definition should really come as no surprise to anyone. When half of all married people get divorced anyway why does it even matter? Well it matters because a good marriage and let me emphasize good, is still what is ultimately right for a child. If childhood obesity is status quo does that mean we give in and tell our kids to sit back veg in front of the tv and eat twinkies all day? No- the same is with supporting marriage.
Now back to Dr. Rosenbaum. I think we can all say that the vast majority of people who don't want animals tested for research are not the type who would bomb a doctor's car. They are not bigots and horrible people. They simply have a different opinion than Dr. Rosenbaum. The same is true of Prop. 8. The vast majority of people who voted yes to prop 8 did NOT do so because they are bigots or horrible, hateful people. Were some of the people who voted for 8 bigots and hateful-(akin to car bomber types), I'm sure they were. And thinking about people like that makes me sick to my stomach. BUT I AM NOT A BIGOT. And how dare they accuse Mormons of being such when they take no time to really understand the reasons why we voted yes. Assuming we all fall into the "car bomber" category is convenient for them because it is easier to hate a "car bomber" type than to hate someone who simply has a different opinion about the family. The message of my church has never been anti-gay, but pro mother/father family. It's a complete and utter fallacy to assume that because the church is so strongly committed to protecting and preserving the traditional family then conversely we automatically must HATE and ABHOR anyone who disagrees with us. And to the protesters and anyone who disagrees with me, please come and sit down and talk to me about it as an adult. We may never agree and that is ok, but that doesn't mean that we can't respect each other's views.
p.s. I really don't expect anyone to get to the bottom of this very loquacious post, I just needed to give voice to my feelings.
There are those who think that research on animals is cruel and should not be done. Then there are those who believe that research on animals helps science progress. The two sides will never come to an agreement. Regardless of how you feel on the matter, any reasonable person can conclude that the actions of the bombers were reprehensible and atrocious, and that the bombers themselves were bigots. (definition- a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.)
Last Tuesday, California voters passed Prop 8 which amends the state Constitution to say that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California. I gave of my time, my money and my vote to support this proposition. 2 days after the election, a thousand protesters marched in front of the Los Angeles Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints holding signs that read "Mormons are bigots" and other accusatory things and shouting things such as, "Shame on you". I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I saw all of this unfold on the news. Laugh because quite frankly it is comical that they attribute the passing of Prop 8 to a group of people who make up only about 2% of the population. (maybe they should have protested African American neighborhoods because 70% of them voted yes, and they make up a significantly larger portion of the population than Mormons.) And I wanted to cry because I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I cringe at being called a bigot and other horrible names.
A bigot I AM NOT. Why did I support Prop 8? Because the most ideal situation in which to raise a child is in a home with a mother and a father. Every child deserves to have a mother and father who love and care for him and each other. This is why marriage is so important. It binds a woman and a man together to create and raise a healthy and well adjusted child. And healthy children make for a healthy society. Changing the most basic definition of marriage (which is a proven formula for creating successful people) basically discounts the importance of both a mother and father in a child's life. And messing with something that has been proven to work is a very scary thing for society. Now by saying this I do not mean to imply that children raised in a non mother/father home cannot grow up to be healthy and happy citizens, nor am I stating that all children raised in traditional families are productive citizens, I am simply asserting that they have the best chance of becoming so when raised by a mother and a father who are married- and happily I might add. Every person on this planet yearns for strong loving connection with both his/her mother and father. And if you really don't believe me, just ask all the many foster children I have worked with over the years. Unfortunately, the institution of marriage has already been weakening for several years, and so the coming about of this desire to change the definition should really come as no surprise to anyone. When half of all married people get divorced anyway why does it even matter? Well it matters because a good marriage and let me emphasize good, is still what is ultimately right for a child. If childhood obesity is status quo does that mean we give in and tell our kids to sit back veg in front of the tv and eat twinkies all day? No- the same is with supporting marriage.
Now back to Dr. Rosenbaum. I think we can all say that the vast majority of people who don't want animals tested for research are not the type who would bomb a doctor's car. They are not bigots and horrible people. They simply have a different opinion than Dr. Rosenbaum. The same is true of Prop. 8. The vast majority of people who voted yes to prop 8 did NOT do so because they are bigots or horrible, hateful people. Were some of the people who voted for 8 bigots and hateful-(akin to car bomber types), I'm sure they were. And thinking about people like that makes me sick to my stomach. BUT I AM NOT A BIGOT. And how dare they accuse Mormons of being such when they take no time to really understand the reasons why we voted yes. Assuming we all fall into the "car bomber" category is convenient for them because it is easier to hate a "car bomber" type than to hate someone who simply has a different opinion about the family. The message of my church has never been anti-gay, but pro mother/father family. It's a complete and utter fallacy to assume that because the church is so strongly committed to protecting and preserving the traditional family then conversely we automatically must HATE and ABHOR anyone who disagrees with us. And to the protesters and anyone who disagrees with me, please come and sit down and talk to me about it as an adult. We may never agree and that is ok, but that doesn't mean that we can't respect each other's views.
p.s. I really don't expect anyone to get to the bottom of this very loquacious post, I just needed to give voice to my feelings.
Woo hoo! I made it to the bottom of the post and am glad I did. I couldn't have said it any better. One of the problems is people have given up on marriage and assume the hetrosexuals have screwed it up. My childhood was deprived of a father, a loving father who was in my life. I ached for a father and know now how much better my childhood could have been had he been there working side by side with my mother.
In the paper today, there was an article about a protest outside a Mormon church on Sun. There was a picture of a woman with her mouth opened, shouting something in anger, (something against Mormons and prop 8). The picture was the epitomy of hatred and it was so ironic that she was accusing peaceful churchgoers of the very thing she represented.
Amy, you are so great. I respect you so much for being smart, loving, faithful, open-minded, and most certainly not a bigot! I am tempted to link to this so my friends and family will read it, but I just barely got some fires from a very sad and contentious weekend to die down a bit, and I better leave well enough alone. I love you!
I'm so glad you decided to post your thoughts on this. I think it was so well written, and I absolutely agree. Even being here in VA, I have been targeted by a small few as a Mormon bigot. I can't even imagine what it has been like in CA. Good for you for all you've been doing!
I made it to the bottom.
You've said it all, so I'll just say "Amen."
Great post, Amy, and I agree with you on all counts.
Amen Amy! I find all this protesting a little childish, personally (like when my 2 year old throws a fit because he doesn't get his way), but it is bothersome to think that a group of people think of you as a bigot. Give me a break! Since when did freedom of thought and speech not apply to a certain group. I think Mormons have been targeted because we won't fight back (not the way they want us to anyways) and they know that so it makes it really easy for them. That's my thought anyways.
You're my hero Amy!! And you're so dang cool!! Love you guys...Keir
Well said, Amy. This Prop 8 backlash has been really eye opening. I've had to step away from it for awhile because it has been so disturbing. The images from the protest at the temple made me sick to my stomach.
Here's some interesting thoughts from an LDS LA police officer who was watching the protest.
Another new tactic is targeting specific individuals who have made donations and boycotting their businesses or attempting to have them fired. Here is another story:
Good post!
Very well written! I too am tempted to link to this so some of my friends will read it. (Yeah, we've been blog stalking since we just got ours going....you inspire us!!) xoxo
I like your obese kids analogy.
This was very well said, Amy! Great job! I whole-heartedly agree.
Great post!
We've had it here too but what do you say to other members who were also opposed to prop 8?
I whole-heartedly agree. You have such a way with words. Bravo!
I made it to the bottom with no problem your words are so heart felt and sincere, it was my pleasure to read it I just wish all the people protesting could read it, no they would just put some ugly spin on it and not get it!
p.s. I totally know how Jill feels, I went through the same thing and completely agree!
I read this before, but forgot to comment....Amen Sista!
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