Today Mike and I drove to Visalia to attend the funeral of Tiffany's Mom, Judi Jordan. She spent half of her life living with a debilitating disease that left her unable to use the many creative talents that she was blessed with. She had MS (multiple sclerosis) I cannot imagine being a gifted painter, cook, flower arranger, and seamstress and not be able to use these talents because of the degeneration of my body. I cannot imagine trying to parent my children from a wheelchair for a good portion of their lives. I cannot imagine the physical pain and discomfort of not being able to hold up my head or use many other body parts. And yet somehow Judy learned to to live life like this. I guess it just makes me grateful for the things that we all take for granted- chasing butterflies at the park with my children, not needing assistance to perform daily duties, and having good health.
And so today I was inspired to be more grateful for the blessings in my life. And I hope that Tiffany know how much I love her. She is the little sister that I never got!!!!
I love you too.
I'm so happy to know that right now, Judy is free from that body! Tiffany, I don't know you, but I'm sorry you lost your mom. I can't imagine how hard that would be.
Thanks for the post Amy. A little perspective for the day.
Nice post amy. Wow - things like this really put everything into perspective. I can't imagine how hard that would be. What a challenge that would be.
What an amazing lady Judy must be to have lived with this earthly trial. Now she is free from her bodily limitations to use her many talents in other ways.
Sorry for your loss, Tiffany. Sounds like she was amazing! Thanks, Amy, for the thoughtful perspective to help us be more grateful and aware!
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