Every time I look into the mirror I want to scream. Up until last year I had "virgin" hair, meaning that I had never colored it. Pretty much I have had the same "hairstyle" for many many years if you can call it that. I am just not that into hair, or makeup for that matter. Case in point: After my cousin cut my hair crooked in college, poor Julianne had to beg me to go to a real salon to fix it. It didn't bother me because the crooked part was in the back and I couldn't see it but apparently it must have been pretty bad. Anyway, last year my hairstylist friend Mandy convinced me to highlight my hair just to see if I liked it. For some random reason I decided to do it. Now I'm stuck. Either I have to keep on doing it or it looks really really scary. I have to admit that I do like the highlights, I just have poor follow through skills and I let too much come in the way before getting it done. Well it's been almost 5 months now since my last haircut/highlighting event and I really need an appointment. Please Mandy make me look normal again. It's like I have ring around the collar, only it's ring around the hair.
I tried to take some pictures of the scary hair to post but they didn't turn out so well and Mike is not here right now so this is all you get.