I recently caught Cole removing various sewing supplies from my sewing drawer. I asked him where he was putting them and was shocked when he took me to the heater vent in the wall. Mike unscrewed the vent and we found things we have been missing for months. I guess those slots really are the perfect height for an almost 2 year old little boy to put things in.
Seriously we found over 15 books, a tie, several lego pieces, hair accesories, crackers, sewing supplies, pens, paper, polly pockets, etc etc. So if you've been missing something for a while now and you happen to have a little munchkin living in your house, you just may want to check your vents. I'm just glad he didn't shove any of our library books in there.
That's hysterical! I'm so glad you thought to take a picture! That's a good one to show him when he's older! I love it! What a sneaky little guy!
Ha! What a sneaky little boy!
That's awesome! Chloe used to hide things at that age, too.
I was just saying last night that I needed to clean out vents and change filters... I wonder what we'll find!
That just made my day....I am dying laughing!
oh this is too funny!! I've had some hiders too!! It's more fun to read about other kids doing it than it is to live with one!!
Oh, so you do have hair accessories. They've just been hiding in the vents, eh?
ha, ha, so funny!
It's a good thing they are cute!
He looks so cute and innocent though. I can't believe you found so much stuff! And not just tiny stuff - 15 books! That is awesome. What a funny kid.
That cracks me up! Thankfully, we don't have any vents that are within reach of the twins:)
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