I have a friend from when I lived in Michigan who is probably the most creative person EVER. I am constantly intrigued by the things she sews and I'm so impressed by how she transforms unwanted adult clothing into clothes for her children. Although I love to sew, I do not really consider myself a creative person and mainly just stick to store bought patterns and fabric. But, Al inspired me to be a little more creative. A few weeks ago Mike was getting rid of some holy khaki trousers. They almost got thrown out when suddenly I thought, I'm going to try to refashion those useless holy pants into something wearable for Julia. I figured that I had nothing to loose so I began to cut away.
I must say, it was really fun and I was pleased with the result. Goodbye, yucky pants for Mike and hello knickers for Julia complete with embroidered back pockets and flowers on the front. I have NEVER embroidered anything (outside of smocking) and it looks pretty terrible, but it was fun and made them look more feminine.
Doing this made me realize just how much goes to waste because we think of things as old and not needed. I'm excited for further refashionings.
Thanks Al, for your inspiration!!!!!
Amy...they are adorable....way to be PROVIDENT!
Very clever Amy! I've always thought of you as creative, by the way!
Oh man Amy it's been forever since I've been on your blog. You've been busy! I'm sorry about the accident and I'm glad that your house didn't burn down, scary! I hope everyone is doing well. Cole is adorable! He's changing way too fast! We'll talk soon!
I wish I had your skills. I think refashioning is the ultimate in creativity. Maybe that will be my next adventure. Once I get the pas de bourree down. :)
Those turned out great! re-fashioning actually gets kind of addicting and then you start storing a lot of junk just because "you might be able to use it" - oh boy now I'm sounding like my mom or worse my grandma
If only I could figure out how to refashion food and leftovers that no one wants to eat.
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