My mom gave Julia the cute little outfit above complete with "leg warmers". How hilarious is that? Anyway, she was wearing it the other day when we went to Costco. The woman handing out samples commented, "oh how cute, you have 2 little boys". No actually the smaller one is a girl. Poor Julia, this was the second time in the last month that someone thought she was a boy. I know that babies often have their gender mistaken, but a 2 year old child? I have tried putting barrettes and little pony tails in to no avail. She pulls them out the second they go in. So here's to hoping that 2009 brings Julia enough hair to actually get called a girl.
looks like Blake is giving you the finger in the pic.
Ever hear of baby toupees? Try keeping her in pink!
We've talked about this before - Sophie had no hair either, until she was about 3. Of course, a year later, she cut it all off with scissors...we can't win.
You could always try a Disney Princess outfit ;)
The Costco sample ladies always think my girls are boys even with pink on.
Don't worry about the hair because when it gets long you have to figure out what to do with it. I'm waiting for my girls to have enough hair to wear a pony tail just like their mom! I still don't know what to do with my own hair!
If it makes you feel any better everybody used to think Ryder was a girl..and they were both always dressed in blue. hmmm...
I was thinking like Jill... wear lots of pink! Even without pink on, Julia is beautiful and doesn't look like a boy at all! Some people are just lame!
I saw you at Costco that day... LOVE the legwarmers! Flash back!
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