I went to the Doctor on Friday for my monthly prenatal appointment. I absolutely hate the part where I have to stand on the scale and my weight is written down forever in their little chart. Every month it goes up up up. I have had some bad experiences with one of the doctors in that practice (thankfully she left the group a few months back). She seemed to take great happiness in telling me with my last pregnancies that I was gaining too much weight and would ask me to please watch my carb intake. Never tell a pregnant lady she is FAT- even if it is true!!!
So I was pleasantly surprised when the doctor asked me if I was still feeling nauseous because she thought I wasn't gaining quite enough weight. I wanted to throw my arms around her and shout with glee!!! According to the "chart" I've only gained 10 pounds this pregnancy and I am now at the halfway mark, 20 weeks. (what she doesn't know is that I gained 5 pounds between getting pregnant and my first doctor's visit)
Thank you dear doctor for giving me license to EAT this Christmas and for not making me feel like the big fat cow that I know I am. :)
Whatever you aren't even close to fat! And you haven't been with any of your pregnancies. I wish I was as skinny as you and i'm not even pregnant!
Amy, you are the skinniest girl I know and I think it's funny that you attract all the rotter weight police who lie to you about your weight. Do you remember 22% body fat? Ha!
You are the most fit pregnant woman I know! Who else goes jogging up til their due date? Don't you worry about anything- Eat all you want! Feed that little baby! You look mah-velous!
I'm sure that is something I will never hear a doctor tell me!
And you are most certainly NOT fat. Never have been. Ever.
Really Amy? Like everyone else said, you're not even sort of fat. Besides, pregnancy is supposed to be a time of food without guilt. And don't you live to eat? So live it up, sister! What's better than being pregnant during the holidays? Yum!
You could certainly stand to gain more, so I'm happy for you to eat to your heart's content this Christmas!...guilt free!
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