Someone turned 1 today at our house. I'll give you a few hints. This small person is very close to walking, she likes to "chuck" everything out of drawers, bins, containers, highchairs, etc etc, loves her big brother, blanket and stuffed bunny, has more dresses than she can possibley wear, has beautiful brown eyes and 6 teeth and most importantly is my favorite daughter. :) I couldn't love her more. Something about having a daughter has changed my life forever. I thought my joy was full when Blake was born, and then I had Julia and now my cup truly runneth over. There is just something so precious about having a little girl. I'm so lucky she is mine. I love that Blake's eyes are green like Mike's and Julia's eyes are brown like mine. Everyday when I look at her I realize that I must be the kind of woman that I want her to grow up to be. It's a wonderful challenge for me to always make sure that I am on the right track.
Happy Birthday sweet Julia Jean. And thanks for one year of heaven on earth.
Happy Birthday sweet Julia Jean. And thanks for one year of heaven on earth.
Ohhhhhh! I love how much you love her. Happy birthday Julia.
(Amy, you meet the challenge brilliantly. You are a GREAT mom.)
Happy Birthday Julia! How fast time flies. You are one lucky little girl.
Happy birthday! Can't believe it's here already!
Happy Birthday Julia! I can't believe how fast she has grown. Little girls truly are so much fun!
Ditto on the joy of having a girl! She is so beautiful and full of life! Happy Birthday Julia! You are so lucky to have such a special Mommy who loves you so much!
Happy birthday Julia! She's so cute! I love her "romper"! :)
Oh sweet baby Ju Ju ! You are such a fun little girl and you are blessed to have such a strong woman for a mother !
Gee thanks for rubbing it in how great it is to have a girl! j/k Is it time to get started on the 3rd?
Happy 1st B-day Julia! There's nothing like a daugher to love. If she grows up half the woman you are, she'll be doing fabulous.
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