Does anyone else have a problem with this? I'm curious to know what other people are thinking about the whole thing.
P.s.. Doesn't he look a little bit like "Toby" from the Office in this picture?
P.s.. Doesn't he look a little bit like "Toby" from the Office in this picture?
I have to say that I've done my fair share of defending Bush here in my household, but I just don't know what to say when he does something like this. Are we teaching our kids that it's okay to lie under oath as long as we have friends in high places? C'mon George!
Are you really surprised by the behavior of anyone in politics?
I'm not condoning the action by any means.. but just pointing out that President Clinton also used the presidential pardon power on his last day in office to pardon a wanted felon who was on the FBI's Most Wanted List- Marc Rich.
And you wonder why so many people are apathetic about politics?
I'm not a Bush fan, but I do have to say that you can always count on Bush. . . to be extreme in his decisions-- he's either black or white on things. I was, therefore, surprised that he dove into the gray area and commuted the sentence. Maybe he's depressed about his lame duck status and is trying to do his best to go out of his term with a bang: being the President with the lowest approval rating ever. . . ???
I was expecting a full pardon, to be honest, so I was kind of pleasantly surprised. That's the cynic in me.
Emily- don't be too surprised. From what I've heard today on the news, a full pardon is not out of the question.
I hope he gets a full pardon for the simple reason that there was never any crime. The whole thing with Scooter Libby is he said he didn't remember who he told what, when.
Armitage sat there and let Libby twist in the wind knowing full well that he, Armitage, was the leaker of the identity of this woman, who was not even covert at the time.
This case should not have even been brought.
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