First off, I really enjoy listening to NPR. I find their stories fascinating and it saves my brain from turning to mush considering the fact that I converse with a 2 year old and a 4 month old all day long. I even had Mike install a radio under my kitchen cabinets a few months back so I could enrich my brain while doing dishes and other mundande kitchen duties. That being said, I have severe guilt over the fact that even though I listen to NPR everyday as much as possible, I always turn it off during the pledge drives because I don't want to give them money. Once again it is pledge drive time and I have sworn off NPR for the next few days because the guilt is too much. I know I should just give them some money but alas my cheapness prevents me. How rude of me.
I say give them some money. You could just pledge a small amount. It would alleviate your guilt, and you would be contributing to something you really enjoy. :)
I'm probably way out of it, but I'm just wondering which station is NPR. I've enjoyed listening to it a few times in the past in UT and haven't searched for the station in CA.
I listen to a lot of books on tape/CD from the library for that very reason--brains of mush are no good.
This reminds me a lot of a post that Suzie P had on her blog. . .
I don't think she gave either. . .
Amy O. - There are a few NPR stations that you can get reception to but the one that comes in the best at my house is 89.3
Aim, I think Steve and I have a good system you could try. With each paycheck, we put x% of our net pay into the Charity Fund and then only use that money to give to other people. Once a month, we empty it for fast offerings, and the rest of the time we use it for anyone else asking for money. When the money is gone, I don't give any more -- no guilt! That way we are able to give a generous FO, buy Girl Scout Cookies, school fundraisers, donate to campaigns, even give to NPR if we are so inclined, because the money is already designated to give away. We are not having to make the tough choice each time: should I save it for college, or go out to eat tonight, or give it to NPR? I love it and highly recommend!
Emily - that is brilliant!
Thank you! Money management is fun for me.
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