This is what happened when Blake was left unattended for 2 minutes the other day. He successfully "unplanted" about 20% of the pansies that my Mom planted a few weeks back. But how could I even be mad because he was "verking"(working). I love my little man.
What a great attitude you have, Amy! You've got to love all the "help" kids can be - especially at that age! :) What a cute smile Blake has about the great job he's done!
Too funny... Blake sure looks proud of all of his work!
Great pictures, Amy! It's moments like this that either push you over the edge of sanity or make you smile and grab your camera.
I never seem to have the patience to grab the camera at moments like these. Good for you!
Can we put him to "verk" in MY yard? :)
You're a much more patient mom than me. I would have lost it!
Ahhhh what a good "helper". I love it when they are trying to be so helpful. Oh and he looks so pleased with himself.
Weren't you just saying he's a little piece of heaven? : ) How sad for you, hilarious for me, and too cute for us all to see your little Blake hard at "verk".
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